Uptick in arrivals of refugees fleeing humanitarian crises

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Refugees & Immigrants, Uncategorized

Some of LCSNW’s most recent refugee resettlement clients arrived within the last several days. Our Program Manager is pictured here greeting a mom and dad with their three young sons who arrived at Portland International Airport after leaving Afghanistan. 

This family is part of a growing number of people escaping unsafe situations in their home countries to legally enter the United States. In response to the global humanitarian crisis, the U.S. government authorized entry of up to 125,000 refugees during the current federal fiscal year. 

With the approaching end of the fiscal year on September 30, our Refugee Resettlement and Placement programs are preparing for an influx of arrivals for at least the next two months, if not through the end of 2024. Beyond that, the flow of refugees and immigrants is uncertain under a new U.S. President.

For now, we are expecting to welcome an additional 150 people into our resettlement programs in Tacoma, Vancouver, and Portland by the end of September. It is an increase of more than 10% from our original estimates for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, which predicted a total of about 1,240 arrivals. 

To help with this influx, we are asking LCSNW friends for additional support. We are seeking volunteers who can provide transportation for airport arrivals, to and from health appointments required for all new refugee arrivals, and other mandatory appointments. Our new clients will need restart kits, help moving into housing, furniture, and more. We are also reaching out to churches for similar support. And your financial donations are always welcome.

Please feel free to contact our volunteer coordinators: In Tacoma, contact Sayed Farhat, [email protected] or 206- 858-3791. In Vancouver and Portland, contact Bassam Altaee [email protected] or 503-731-9542.

To help financially, follow this link: https://lcsnw.org/make-a-difference/. And to help our new arrivals set up their new households, Amazon Wish Lists make it easy to assist.

Portland Amazon Wish List

Vancouver Amazon Wishlist

Family of seven with their backs to the camera walking though the airport with their luggage, accompanied by an LCSNW staff member.

Manager for our Portland refugee resettlement team, Sultan Aziz, greeted and transported a family who arrived in late July at Portland International Airport. This family, with three young sons, is among the 150 additional arrivals anticipated by the end of September. (Photo courtesy of Doug McClay)