In communities across Washington, Oregon and Idaho, vulnerable people are thriving because you care enough to support Lutheran Community Services Northwest.
Thanks to your tax-deductible gifts, lives are saved and communities are enriched by the diversity and strengths of people who have triumphed over adversity. You give people hope for the future, and the ability not only to turn their lives around, but to pay it forward. Health, justice and hope become a reality for entire communities, and for future generations.

Make a life-changing difference today by donating
Donate by e-check or credit card. By making a one-time or recurring gift, you bring our life-saving services to families who need us across the Northwest. You may donate securely online or call us at 253-271-4756 or 206-901-1685 to provide us with a credit card number or e-check information.
Donate by check. Please mail your check to:
LCSNW Donations
PO Box 94492
Seattle, WA 98124-6792
Please note: Donation processing is delayed due to a number of factors including USPS delivery time, and making an online donation is the quickest way to donate. If you prefer to mail your donation, please allow additional time for processing. Thank you for your patience.
Provide a gift of items, goods, or services: If you have made or would like to make an in-kind donation, please complete and submit this form.
Remember a loved one with a memorial or tribute gift. A donation to Lutheran Community Services Northwest is a beautiful way to memorialize a loved one or to pay tribute to friends and relatives to mark special celebrations. Simply designate your gift as a memorial or tribute when you make your donation.
Make a gift of stocks, bonds, property or art. Donate stocks that have risen in value since you purchased them — called appreciated securities — and LCS Northwest can receive the value of your gift while you earn a significant break on your taxes. Check with your financial advisor or broker for details, or contact us with your questions.
Contribute your vehicle. Your old car, boat, airplane or RV may no longer be valuable to you, but it can bring cash to LCS Northwest while serving as a tax deduction for you. A partnership with Charitable Adult Rides & Services (CARS) enables LCS to accept the proceeds from donated vehicles anywhere in the nation. CARS will pick up your vehicle, running or not, and sell it at auction with the proceeds going to LCS Northwest. You will work with CARS directly to receive an IRS form with the tax-deductible amount realized from the vehicle’s sale. Learn more about vehicle donations or call 855-500-RIDE (855-500-7433) and mention you want your proceeds to benefit LCS Northwest.
Leave a legacy. Make a bequest in your will or remember Lutheran Community Services Northwest in other estate plans and you’ll leave a lasting legacy of generosity and caring. Learn more about legacy giving.
If you have questions about how you can change lives by supporting Lutheran Community Services Northwest, please reach out by email at [email protected] or complete the contact form below.