Our Stories

LCSNW hosts hundreds of guests on 27 winter nights (so far) in Bellingham
Photo at right: A group of pastors walks a labyrinth inside the Whatcom County severe weather shelter, lit by candles, and prays for the shelter's guests. The former church is owned and managed by LCSNW. It's easy to remember when Lutheran Community Services Northwest...

CEO responds to reckless attack on LCSNW, other Lutheran organizations
A message from our CEO: Over the weekend, Elon Musk shared a tweet attacking LCSNW and other Lutheran ministries. At first, I hoped it wasn’t real. But it was all too real — a reckless misrepresentation of organizations dedicated to serving the most vulnerable in...

LCSNW undaunted by new President’s anti-immigrant orders
Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW) remains fully committed to America’s foundational principle to welcome the stranger, despite the destructive executive orders that the new U.S. President issued on his first day in office. The President’s suspension of the...

Vancouver volunteer guides refugees to self-sufficiency
Former teacher is a bargain shopper, a health advocate and dear friend If you live in the greater Vancouver, Washington area and have ever listed household items on Facebook Marketplace, you may have met Joy Bradley. Joy spends a lot of time on Marketplace, perusing...

Farewell to two champions on the LCSNW Board of Directors
Photo: Lisa Kraft (left), David Duea and Amina Suchoski. The end of 2024 also ends a combined 15 years of service to the Lutheran Community Services Northwest Board of Directors for a pair of dedicated Board members, Lisa Kraft and Amina Suchoski. Lisa makes her home...
Grant Boosts Mental Health First Aid Availability
Access to free Mental Health First Aid trainings is expanding across Benton and Franklin Counties, thanks to the award of a $7,500 grant to LCSNW Tri-Cities. At their annual Celebration of Philanthropy event on December 3rd, the 3 Rivers Community Foundation presented...

Post election, LCSNW’s mission-centered work is more vital than ever
At Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW), our support for vulnerable refugees and immigrants fleeing persecution is key to our mission. It is an essential part of what it means to "partner with individuals, families and communities for health, justice and...