LCSNW undaunted by new President’s anti-immigrant orders
Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW) remains fully committed to America’s foundational principle to welcome the stranger, despite the destructive executive orders that the new U.S. President issued on his first day in office.
The President’s suspension of the U.S. refugee resettlement program disregards moral and legal obligations to provide refuge to people fleeing violence and persecution. His proposed elimination of birthright citizenship would undermine the Constitution’s promise of equal protection. His ongoing threats to conduct mass deportations also cause us grave concern, as does his plan to shut down legal avenues for asylum.
The executive orders would disrupt thousands of hard-working families from finding safety, starting new lives and pursuing their American dreams, said David Duea, LCSNW’s Chief Executive Officer.
“We are very disappointed by the scope of the President’s Inauguration Day actions, but LCSNW’s mission of health, justice and hope remains unchanged,” Duea said. “We will continue to walk alongside immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. And we will do our best to reunite families like Sayed Rasool Hashemi’s family.”
Sayed, a former refugee who served with American forces in Afghanistan, is trying to navigate a maze of U.S. bureaucracy so he can bring his two-year-old son to Oregon; the boy is currently trapped in Afghanistan. Sayed is receiving legal assistance from LCSNW’s Safe Route Immigration team. He shared his story recently with The Oregonian newspaper.
LCSNW resettled nearly 1,400 refugees from 27 countries last year in the Tacoma-Seattle and Portland-Vancouver metro areas. Resettlement is one of several ways that we help place newcomers on a path to stability. We also provide mental health care, citizenship classes, employment services, legal advocacy, and more.
The orders issued by the President Monday ignore the fact that refugees go through several layers of security and medical vetting; they often wait years in a third country before entering the U.S.
“Refugees have always been screened for safety, but since 9/11 so many additional checks have been put into place to ensure a robust program,” said Daryl Morrissey, LCSNW’s Director of Refugee Resettlement. “There is no one who receives more screening to come to the United States than a refugee.”
Refugees also contribute mightily to the U.S. economy. Department of Health and Human Services studies show they generate billions more in tax dollars than they receive. That’s one reason why resettlement has long enjoyed bipartisan support, including Presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.
In the face of the new Administration’s harmful policies, LCSNW stands ready to keep supporting our clients across the Pacific Northwest with dignity and compassion.
Media Contact: Matt Misterek, Director of Communications, [email protected]