Safe Families for Children – Treasure Valley Idaho

Giving help and hope to families in crisis
About Safe Families
When a crisis strikes, many of us rely on relatives and friends for support. But for some parents, this is not an option. With no one to turn to for help, parents can struggle to provide safe and stable care for their children. This is where Safe Families for Children can help.
We surround Families in Crisis with a circle of compassionate volunteers. Our goal is to create a safe space for children while parents are supported to get back on their feet. From offering diapers to opening their homes to care for children, our volunteers say YES to children and their families in both large and small ways. Anyone can help—anyone can join us in saying YES to compassionate care, building relationships, and enabling thriving families.
How Safe Families Works
Struggles like job loss, eviction, medical emergencies and domestic violence can leave families feeling desperate and alone. Safe Families offers a community of compassionate volunteers, so no family has to face a crisis without support. While children are cared for by a ‘Host Family,’ we pair struggling parents with ‘Family Friends’ and a ‘Family Coach.’ These volunteers walk alongside Families in Crisis to help bring stability and hope to their lives. We help with childcare or transportation, and we provide guidance in securing work or housing. Once parents are in a better place to care for their children again, we reunite families as quickly as possible. Parents can also seek support without placing their children in a Host Family.

Safe Families Basics
Safe Families is an evidence-based movement led by volunteers and Idaho’s Treasure Valley is one of more than 125 chapters nationwide. We offer short-term care for children in another family’s home – but we are not foster care or adoption. Parents maintain full custody of their children and can request their return at any time.
Other information:
- Children ages 0 – 18 can be hosted, including pregnant teens.
- Host families receive no compensation and are thoroughly screened.
- Parents maintain regular contact with their children whenever possible.
- Participation is completely voluntary.
- Host Families can care for children for a few hours as needed or 24/7 for extended periods of time.

Safe Families for Children Volunteer Roles
Come join our movement of compassionate community in Treasure Valley!

Become a Host Family
Host Families provide a safe and loving family home environment for children while parents work to gain stability. Length of stay varies from a few hours up to six months and Host Families help children and parents stay connected.

Become Family Friends
Family Friends offer support and care for Families in Crisis and for Host Families. They provide support, love, and friendship as families work towards healing. Support may include meals, delivering supplies, help with household tasks, befriending and mentoring parents, babysitting, or help with transportation.

Become a Resource Family
This is one of the easiest ways to volunteer with Safe Families! Resource Families connect Families in Crisis with services and supplies. And since many children placed with Host Families come with few possessions, Resource Families can help Host Families provide children with basic needs. Collect or donate clothing, baby items, furniture, toys, etc., or help connect families to services such as household repairs, car repairs, resume assistance, transportation, etc.

Become a Family Coach
Family Coaches play a vital role in helping families to thrive. They build relationships with Families in Crisis and Host Families to ensure that both receive the support they need. Family Coaches help coordinate volunteer efforts to connect families with resources and services, and they work with our community partners to help parents gain stability for their families.
Ready to join us? Next step(s):
- Fill out a simple online application by clicking here.
- For Resource Friends, you are done!
- For Coaches Friends and Hosts, plan to attend an in-person training (2 hours) OR complete the online training (4 hours).
- If you wish to babysit, host or transport children, a background check is required.
- If you wish to be a Host Family, a home study is required.

Click here to apply to be a Host Family, Family Friend, Resource Family, Family Coach or other support role.

Your gift can help strengthen Treasure Valley families in crisis. Thank you for investing in resilient families and thriving communities!
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