Family and community services
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By breaking generational cycles of poverty and trauma, we make a powerful positive impact on people and communities.
Our Family Support Centers are warm and welcoming places in the community. We offer parenting education, child development activities, support groups, resource fairs, community referrals and connections to basic needs like food, clothing, health care, housing and employment. Our caring and committed staff represent the communities and cultures we serve. We operate eight Family Centers through our Greater Seattle office. Our Bremerton office offers a respite program for military families who have children with special needs. We provide several family support programs in Yamhill County, including a relief nursery. Our Southern Idaho and Klamath Falls offices offer school-based life skills and drug prevention programs for youth.
We operate eight Family Centers through our Greater Seattle office. Our Bremerton office offers a respite program for military families who have children with special needs. We provide several family support programs in Yamhill County, including a relief nursery. Our Southern Idaho and Klamath Falls offices offer school-based life skills and drug prevention programs for youth.
How you can help:
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