Arlington teens put service skills into action for Family Centers

The Arlington High School Interact Club has discovered the power of community service.
In January, the club partnered with our Family Support staff as volunteers for the Point in Time homeless count. Club members met a young woman with a child living in her car and were moved to take action. They collected and delivered much needed baby items to the homeless woman.
But they wanted to do more.
Members of the Interact Club held a baby drive. They collected money from their fellow students at Arlington High School ($1100 in cash), then spent a weekend in front of the local Safeway to collect donated goods from the community. In June, they presented their generous donations to our Family Support Centers.
“We’re so thankful to receive this because our centers receive daily requests for baby supplies,” said Family Support program manager Peggy Ray. “Diapers and formula are expensive to purchase and most of our young families live on a tight budget. When we help them with these items, they can use their money to pay other essential bills.”
Sponsored by the Arlington Rotary, the Interact Club is designed to empower young people to take action in their community, develop leadership skills and gain a global perspective.
LCS Northwest’s Family Support Centers are warm and welcoming places in the community. We offer parenting education, child development activities, support groups, resource fairs, community referrals and connections to basic needs like food, clothing, health care, housing and employment. Our caring and committed staff represent the communities and cultures we serve.