Black Lives Matter at LCS Northwest

Jun 8, 2020 | Advocacy

Lutheran Community Services (LCS) Northwest condemns the murder of George Floyd and police bruitality. We are committed to not only dismantling systems of oppression, but also providing healing and opportunity. We recognize the pain of friends, families and the Black community, and grieve with them. We stand in solidarity and publicly state that Black Lives Matter. 

Many communities are hurting from the current pandemic and the economic realities of these times. Here in the Northwest, some of the greatest disparities and disproportionate effects of the pandemic are linked to race. We understand that the causes are systemic, and there is a need for all of us to do something about it.

Our mission at LCS Northwest is one of Health, Justice and Hope. Our work is centered on partnering to build and strengthen healthy communities. 

We recognize that Justice is a collective responsibility to build a more equitable world for all. We are listening to and supporting oppressed communities as they protest for freedom and justice. 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.” 

We strive to be leaders who bring hope into the fight for equity and justice. We reaffirm our commitment to combat oppression by providing opportunities and healing in all corners of society.

