National awards given to LCSNW artists living with dementia
Read more about it in the news media: Tacoma News Tribune story; Tacoma Weekly story.
Congratulations to five amazing artists who participate in our Opening Minds Through Art (OMA) program in the Tacoma area — a creative outlet for people living with dementia or similar cognitive conditions. Their paintings were recently entered in an OMA virtual art show that featured 70 artists representing 30 cities, 3 countries and 2 continents.
Two of the five Puget Sound artists received awards for their creative efforts. Sylvia from Tacoma was honored for Best Line Work and People’s Choice award. Nathan from Edgewood received the Fan Favorite award. In addition, Shelly from Tacoma, Mike from Gig Harbor and Martha from Edgewood contributed paintings to the show’s 450 submissions.
LCS Northwest instructor Laurie Arndt leads these five artists and several others in weekly art classes in Tacoma and Edgewood. She warms them up with a Music & Memories session, then guides them to the art tables (often accompanied by caregivers and volunteers) for an hour of abstract self-expression.
OMA is an intergenerational art-making, cognitive barrier-breaking program developed in 2007 at Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami (of Ohio) University. LCS Northwest operates the only OMA affiliate in Washington state. National OMA leaders hosted their first ever virtual art show this year to bring wider attention to the artists’ achievements.
To take a “stroll” through the virtual art gallery, go this site. To learn more about LCS Northwest’s local OMA program and other Aging & Independent Living activities, click here.