Organize/Distribute Goods for our Basic Needs Bank Type: Location: We need your incredible organization and/or distribution skills to help keep us orderly so...
Give Goods to Community Members Type: Location: We offer Food Bank style delivery of basic needs good to the public and we need your help on these scheduled...
Assemble and Handout Backpacks for Kids Type: Location: Each year, the community donates school supplies to help kids start school well; we need your help to...
Volunteer at a community event Type: Location: Be an LCSNW ambassador at local community events, like Farmer’s Markets. Contact Us Name Email...
You are welcome here.
We offer services without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, religious belief, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, ability, military or veteran status, source of income or political affiliation.