Behavioral Health and Wellness

Delivering hope and wellness to diverse communities
As a behavioral health provider serving refugees in the Puget Sound region, LCS Northwest provides a multicultural environment where everyone feels welcome. Our staff is as diverse as the people we serve, offering services and support in over a dozen languages. You are welcome here!
Services are provided without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious belief, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, ability, military or veteran status, source of income or political affiliation.
Our work centers on those coming from refugee, immigrant and asylee backgrounds. Our counseling staff speak over a dozen languages and many share immigrant backgrounds similar to those of the client community. We offer:
- Outpatient individual and group counseling for adults aged 18 and older
- Focus on treating trauma, often for Survivors of Torture
- Current funding allows us to treat Medicaid recipients
- Medication management offered by ARNP to those participating in counseling
- Currently providing services via telehealth (individual sessions only) or in person
- Programming based in Kent with an optional SeaTac location
Call (253) 487-7573, fax (253) 220-8977 or click HERE for referral information.

Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) is designed to serve youth with mental and behavioral health challenges in their homes and communities, and to decrease the reliance on out-of-home placements. When other strategies haven’t worked, it’s time to try WISe.
LCS Northwest WISe offers:
- A strengths-based approach.
- Facilitation of the wraparound process to identify needs behind the behavior.
- Development of individualized strengths-focused plans to address those needs while allowing the youth to remain in their home.
- A team-based, collaborative approach with the family’s voice at the center.
- A therapist to help the youth process life events and find healing.
- A plan that works for your family.
WISe equips families with skills to manage the stress and complexities of having a child with mental and behavioral health challenges and provide support to youth while allowing them to safely remain home and in the community. We specialize in working with youth who have multiple system involvements including Juvenile Justice, Child Protective Services, etc.
Who we serve
LCS Northwest WISe serves youth ages 8-21 who:
- Reside in King County or Snohomish County
- Have a qualifying mental health diagnosis
- Are Medicaid eligible
- Have an MCO and an active ProviderOne number
- Are interested in, and want to parpicpate in our voluntary services
We specialize in immigrant and refugee populations, as well as Transitional Age Youth (ages 16-21). WISe is a voluntary program.
Submit your referral form here.
If you have questions, please email [email protected] or call 206-238-0946.
For more resources regarding the WISe program, click here.
The Seattle Asylum Forensic Evaluation (SAFE) Network provides free medical and psychological evaluations to support asylum claims, coordinating over 100 professional clinical evaluators who provide probono forensic evaluations. Asylum seekers who receive a forensic evaluation are 50% more likely to be granted compared to the national average.
SAFE Network also supports training for new clinical evaluators and community partners, an education and supervision program for PhD candidates, and a research arm focused on spotlighting asylee and refugee populations. The network is dedicated to the three prongs of support, training, and research to serve asylum seekers in Seattle.
Who is eligible for services:
Asylum seekers must have legal representation and a connection to the city of Seattle (such as living, working, going to school, or volunteering in the city).
Visit Seattle Asylum Forensic Evaluation (SAFE) Network to learn more about the free medical and psychological evaluations provided for asylum seekers.