Our Stories

Bob Pickel Ending Long Run at LCS Northwest

After a long career, one often thinks of riding off into the sunset. Not Bob Pickel. “I look at it as a sunrise – the start of a new day.” Bob said. After 25 years as Director of Lutheran Community Services (LCS) Northwest in Klamath Falls, Pickel is calling it a...

Finding ‘Meaningful Work’ at LCS Northwest

This is the third article in our Centennial Series. We feature a current employee who found social work as part of his Lutheran faith. Our founders in 1921 were a group of Lutherans who came together to help people who were struggling. While LCS is turning 100, our...

Sharing LCS History With Boots Winterstein

(Note: This is the second in an ongoing series of articles celebrating LCS Northwest’s Centennial.) Boots Winterstein likens Lutheran Community Services Northwest to a river that is always flowing, moving and refining its direction. Programs enter the river like...

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