Donate/Assemble Starter Kits

Donate/Assemble Starter Kits Type: Location: With a group or on your own, you can gather new household items and assemble kits to help refugees feel at home....

Community Navigation & Support

Community Navigation & Support Type: Location: A tour of local grocery stores, post office, city buses, and more as you help show points of interest and...

Offer Career Support

Offer Career Support Type: Location: Help in the job search, resume building, and practice with interviews Contact Us Name Email PhoneHiddenAdmin...

Start a Volunteer Group

Start a Volunteer Group Type: Location: Bookclubs, church groups, neighborhoods, or your team at work are all welcome to form a volunteer group and support...

Be a Tutor to Refugees

Be a Tutor to Refugees Type: Location: Help support refugees as they learn the English language Contact Us Name Email PhoneHiddenAdmin...

Help Transport Refugees

Help Transport Refugees Type: Location: Help with driving an individual or a family to important appointments, like the doctor; minivans with carseats are...