Santa for Seniors

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Citizenship Program

Citizenship Program Citizenship Classes Gaining citizenship allows refugees and immigrants to achieve permanence and safety in the United States. With...

Safe Route Immigration

Safe Route Immigration IMMIGRATION SERVICES -LOCATION AND HOURS- RESOURCES/OTHER LINKS Assisting Immigrants and Refugees with Legal Immigration Services The...

Refugee Foster Care

Refugee Foster Care Are You Ready to Become a Foster Parent? At LCS Northwest, we recruit, license and support foster parents as they navigate the foster care...

Victim Advocacy and Education

Victim Advocacy and Education Services We Offer  We provide free and confidential advocacy services to victims, survivors, loved ones, and witnesses of...

Senior Friends & Virtual Friends

Senior Friends & Virtual Friends Senior Friends volunteers make a difference in the lives of our senior community! The Senior Friends program matches...

Senior Companion

Senior Companion Help aging seniors stay in their homes Partnering with organizations in Pierce and Kitsap Counties, we match trained volunteers with isolated...

Mental health counseling

Improve Your Life with Our Mental Health Services Get your life on track with our mental health counseling, case management and medication management services...